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JC's Chunson Limited was established in 1996 as a professional company for semiconductor/solar/LED instruments and equipments. We are devoted to importing semiconductor/solar/LED manufacturing equipments and measurements from overseas and we are in charge of selling, installing and providing full service in Taiwan.For improving more professional manufacturing equipments and the measuring capability for domestic IC industry and solar energy companies, we distribute advanced semiconductor instruments from Germany and Japan to provide more developed and accurate equipments and technique for semiconductor and solar energy industry so we can grow deeper and better in Taiwan high-tech industry.

1996 JC's Chunson was established on Roosevelt Rd. in Taipei and was mainly distributing equipments in semiconductor related field.
1998 JC's Chunson moved to Zhong-He, Taipei County and founded a demo room of G&N 12" wafer grinder and E+H wafer geometry gauge from Germany.
1999 JC's Chunson became the representative of Kyodo from Japan and AST from Korea in 1999. In the mean time, JC's Chunson has expended the business in China.
2000 JC's Chunson became the representative of Hologenix from USA for wafer defect inspection machine and started to introduce various equipments for 12" wafer fabs.
2004 JC's Chunson became the representative agency of ISIS from Germany for optical wafer thickness/warp measurement equipment. (ISIS sentronics GmbH changed its name to sentronics metrology GmbH since 2015
2006 JC's Chunson started to import solar equipments from Germany to efficiently reduce the manufacturing costs for customers.
2007 JC's Chunson became the representative of Jonas & Redmann from Germany.
2010 JC's Chunson became the representative of Meyer Burger from Switzerland.
JC’s Chunson sold the first one set inspection system ( Hologenix NGS) which is applying in VCSEL process for Facial recognition system.
JC’s Chunson became the representative of THINK POWER TECHNOLOGY. Promoted the battery power inspection system in Intersolar Europe and Solar Power international.

 冲成股份有限公司 / JC's Chunson Limited         

Tel:+886-2-3234-1279 Fax:+886-3234-7056

Add.:17F., No. 216, Jian 8th Rd., Zhonghe Dist., New Taipei City 235042 , Taiwan